




02 March 2010

2nd Biogas Mobilization Campaign in Latvia

The 2nd Biogas Mobilization Campaign in Latvia will be organised on 16 March 2010 in Riga.

2.Biogāzes mobilizācijas kampaņa Latvijā

SIA "Ekodoma" 2010.gada 16.martā rīko biogāzes mobilizācijas kampaņu, kuras mērķis ir informēt reģionālo vides pārvalžu un citu administratīvo iestāžu lēmumu pieņēmējus par biogāzes ražošanu, tās ieguldījumu vides situācijas uzlabošanā, biogāzes problēmām Latvijā, kā arī administratīvo barjeru samazināšanas iespējām.

Pasākums norisināsies SIA "Ekodoma" biroja telpās - Noliktavas ielā 3-3, Rīgā.

Ar detalizētāku informāciju lūdzam iepazīties aprakstā. Lai piedalītos, lūdzu, aizpildiet aprakstā esošo pieteikuma anketu un vēlākais līdz 2010.gada 10.martam atsūtiet uz vai pa faksu 67323210.


18 February 2010

Agenda for EUSEW Biogas Workshop in Brussels on 24 March 2010 available!

Agenda for the Workshop available here!

A registration for the EUSEW Biogas Workshop (see News from 16 December 2009 below) is required. Please get here more information!

28 January 2010

Second BiG>East Mobilisation Campaign in Greece

The next BiG>East Mobilisation Campaign will be held on 4 February 2010 in Thessalonica, Greece.
The campaign will be organised within the 23rd International Fair for Agricultural Machinery, Equipment and Supplies.
More information are here:

Date: Thursday 4 February 2010

15 January 2010

Registration for EUSEW Biogas Workshop in Brussels open!

The registration for the EUSEW Biogas Workshop (see News from 16 December 2009 below) is open!

Please get here more information!

18 December 2009

Upcoming: Biogas training courses in Latvia – Biogāzes apmācības kursi Latvijā

The three BiG>East biogas training courses in Latvia will be organised on 11 -16 January 2010 in Riga, Auce and Madona.

SIA "Ekodoma" 2010.gada 11.-16.janvārī rīko biogāzes apmācību kursus. Tiek organizēta trīs apmācības kursu sērija - Rīgā, Aucē un Madonā (katra kursa ilgums 2 dienas).

Kursu pasniedzēji ir projekta "BiG>East" partneri no Vācijas un Austrijas, kā arī pārstāvji no Latvijas.
Ar detalizētāku informāciju lūdzam iepazīties kursa aprakstā.

Lai pieteiktos dalībai kursos, līdz 2010.gada 4.janvārim gaidīsim aizpildītu pieteikuma anketu. Aizpildītu anketu sūtiet uz vai pa faksu 67323210.

16 December 2009

BiG>East at the European Sustainability Week (EUSEW) 2010 in Brussels

In cooperation with the EU-co-financed projects BIORES, BIOGAS ACCEPTED, and RE-WISE (,, and ), BiG>East will jointly organise a biogas workshop on the occasion of the EUSEW 2010. The workshop will:

  • Present the legal/regulatory, financial and technical parameters of biogas technologies in order to increase awareness, overcome barriers and improve acceptance of biogas applications leading to more use of biogas for heating, electricity and as an alternative fuel.
  • Present the most crucial non-technological barriers for further biogas exploitation in Europe and a biogas roadmap.
  • Demonstrate through real case studies, the BIOGAS acceptance tool and the on-line web-based Decision Support System (DSS) how increased biogas use can contribute to CO2 emissions reduction, lead to energy cost savings in cities, communities, and regions, and create jobs and market opportunities.
  • Show how it is possible to manage food waste and exploit it as an endless source of biogas

Please get here more information!


8 December 2009

3rd Biogas Training Course in Bulgaria

The third training course in Bulgaria will be organised by IP/ENPRO on 11712 December 2009.

- Invitation for the Training Course (here)


- Programme for the Training Course (here)


7 December 2009

Second BiG>East Mobilisation Campaign in Bulgaria

The second Mobilisation Campaign in Bulgaria took place in Bozurishte on 13 November 2009 involving 14 stakeholders (farmers, mayors, consultants, etc.).

- Minutes of the Mobilisation Campaign (here)

15 November 2009

Biogas Training courses in Croatia

The 2nd and 3rd biogas training courses for farmers on biogas will be organised in Croatia on 23-24 November 2009 and
14-15 January 2010.

Please find deatils on the training courses here.

23 September 2009

Predstavljen Priručnik za Bioplin

23. rujna 2009. u Institutu Hrvoje Požar predstavljen je „Priručnik za bioplin“ u sklopu projekta Inteligentna energija Europe - BiG>East. Priručnik predstavlja prvu sveobuhvatnu publikaciju o bioplinu na hrvatskom jeziku.

"Namjera nam je bila predstaviti „Priručnik za bioplin“ ponajprije budućim sudionicima tržišta bioplina, ali i široj javnosti. Kako razvitak tržišta bioplina te njegovo korištenje utječe direktno na tri sektora: poljoprivreda, zaštita okoliša i energetika, mišljenja smo da će ova publikacija pomoći u sagledavanju iskorištavanja potencijala bioplina i njegovih eksternalija koji su već prepoznati od stranih investitora." - istaknula je nacionalna koordinatorica projekta Biljana Kulišić.

Na samom događanju prisustvovao je predstavnik Ministarstva gospodarstva, rada i poduzetništva - gosp. Igor Raguzin, predstavnik Fonda za zaštitu okoliša i energetsku učinkovitost - gosp. Mario Klobučar, te predstavnici Ravnateljstva za strukturnu i tržišnu potporu u poljoprivredi - SAPARD/IPARD - gđa. Marica Čubela i gđa. Helena Dolenčić. Uz njih prisutni su bili i predstavnici poslovne i znanstvene zajednice, te mediji.

Igor Raguzin je ovom prilikom nagovijestio reviziju postojeće legislative vezane za stjecanje statusa povlaštenog proizvođača električne energije. Promjene bi trebale obuhvatiti pojednostavljenje procedure i objedinjavanja tarifne stavke bez razlike u veličini bioplinskog postrojenja.

Priručnik za bioplin možete pronaći u PDF obliku OVDJE (.pdf/2499 kB).

Prezentacije sa promocije:

- BiG>East projekt (.pdf/316 kB)
- O bioplinu (.pdf/1822 kB)

14 September 2009

First BiG>East Mobilisation Campaign in Greece

The next BiG>East Mobilisation will be organised on 20 October 2009 in Athens, Greece. Please find the Agenda here.

Date: Monday / Tuesday 20 October 2009

14 September 2009

BiG>East 4th Progress Meeting

The 4th BiG>East Progress Meeting (internal) will be in Athens, Greece and jointly organised by WIP Renewable Energies and CRES.

Date: Monday / Tuesday 19-20 October 2009

11 September 2009

BiG>East Study Tour in Denmark

11 participants visited four centralised co-digestion plants in Denmark from 7 to 9 September 2009 in Denmark. The study tour was organised by the University of Southern Denmark.

Minutes of the study tour (soon available here)


- Agricultural biogas production in Denmark (here)

- Biogas from Animal Waste and Organic Industrial Waste (here)


13 July 2009

BiG>East Guided study tour at biogas sites in Denmark


1 May 2009

BiG>East Study Tour in Austria

12 interested stakeholders participated in the first BiG>East Study Tour which took place in Styria and Lower Austria, Austria, from 20/04/2009 to 22/04/2009. The study tour was organised by Agrinz GmbH.

- Minutes of the study tour (here)

- Presentation Agrinz (here)

- Presentation Biogas Production (here)

- Presentation Biogas Plants (here)

- Presentation Frameworks and Costs (here)

- Presentation Time schedule (here)

24 March 2009

BiG>East Second Mobilisation Campaign in Croatia





U sklopu IEE projekta BiG>East, Energetski institut Hrvoje Požar Vas poziva na 2. mobilizacijsku kampanju u Vukovaru. Samo sudjelovanje na skupu nema naknade, ali su mjesta ogranicena te Vas zato molimo da se registrirate na navedene kontakte.

Za više, kliknite ovdje:
U istom danu, cetvrtak, 26. ožujka 2009., EIHP sudjeluje i u dogadaju na temu biogoriva jer u vukovarsku luku uplovljava FP6 RES BOAT. Za više detalja pogledajte (

12 January 2009

BiG>East participates at the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW)



(click here)


Dominik Rutz (WIP Renewable Energies): "Promoting biogas in Eastern and Southern Europe" (click here)

10 January 2009

Invitation to BiG>East Study Tour in Austria


The first BiG>East Study Tour will take place in Styria and Lower Austria, Austria, from 20/04/2009 to 22/04/2009. Interested stakeholders from Bulgaria, Latvia, and Romania can register here. The study tour, organised by Agrinz GmbH, will be free of charge (inclusive travel within Austria, hotel, visits), but travel costs to Austria as well as for lunch and dinner has to be covered by the participant.


Registration deadline: 20/03/2009


Invitation and registration Form (here)


8 January 2009

Successful Mobilisation Campaigns in Latvia


More than 70 participants attended the BiG>East Mobilisation Campaign in Auce, Latvia, on 4 February 2009. The stakeholders were informed in six presentations about the state-of-the-art in biogas technology and discussed biogas production opportunities in Latvia. The campaign included a site-visit to the first Baltic agricultural biogas plant in Vecauce.


Presentations and more information on the Latvian Mobilisation Campaign are provided here.


12 January 2009

Upcoming: Mobilisation Campaigns in Latvia - Biogāzes mobilizācijas kampaņas


The next BiG>East Mobilisation will be organised on 4 February 2009 in Latvia. Please find the Agenda here.


Pirmā mobilizācijas kampaņa notiks 2009.gada 4.februārī Dobeles rajonā Aucē, kur uzstādīta pirmā biogāzes stacija Latvijā, kurā iegūst biogāzi, izmantojot lauksaimnieciskas izcelsmes izejvielas.


Kampaņas laikā biogāzes iekārtu ražotāji, plānotāji un konsultanti sniegs tehniskas prezentācijas par biogāzes iekārtām un projekta „BiG>East” aktivitātēm. Eksperti no Vācijas un Austrijas, kurās biogāzes ražošana ir attīstīta, dalīsies pieredzē par to, kā ieviest biogāzes projektus. Diskusijas laikā būs iespējams viņiem uzdot jebkurus jautājumus par biogāzes potenciālu, attīstīšanas nosacījumiem, tehniskajiem aspektiem un projektu praktisko ieviešanu.


Detalizētāka informācija par pirmās biogāzes mobilizācijas kampaņu un pieteikuma formu atradīsiet šeit: Pietikums dalībai mobilizācijas kampaņā.


Pietikumu dalībai lūdzam atsūtīt līdz 26.01.2009


Informācija par turpmākajām aktivitātēm būs pieejama šeit.


12 December 2008

BiG>East 3rd Progress Meeting


The 3rd BiG>East Progress Meeting (internal) will be in Riga, Latvia and jointly organised by WIP Renewable Energies and Ekodoma.

Date: Monday / Tuesday 2-3 February 2009


11 December 2008

BiG>East participates in the "European Union Sustainable Energy Week" (EUSEW)


Thursday 12 February 2009, 14:15-17:30

99-101 rue Belliard, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
Committee of the Regions / European Economic and Social Committee - Jacques Delors Building, 53


Description: Strategies and tools for facilitating the up take of biogas plants in various European regions; improved acceptability of plants; holistic project development approach with manifold benefits of biogas plants; sectors of agriculture, agro-food and municipal organic waste management addressed, good success with implication of major stakeholders.


Make available strategies, actions and tools to facilitate new biogas plants; present know-how transfer from advanced to promoting regions; biogas creates new business opportunities; addressed to stakeholders from agricultural, agro-food and organic waste sector; civil servants from local authorities, territorial and economical development agencies.


Get more information and access to the programme:


18 September 2008

More then 40 Participants attended the Mobilisation Campaign in Bulgaria


The second Mobilisation Campaign in the framework of BiG>East was implemented on 10 September 2008 by the N. Poushkarov Institute of Soil Science in Sofia, Bulgaria. More than 40 stakeholders from ministries, food industry, agriculture, and research attended the mobilisation campaign. A highlight of the campaign was the presentation of Tobias Finsterwalder who operates a biogas plant in Germany, which is based on food and catering waste as feedstock. Details on the campaign are provided here.




18 July 2008

BiG>East first Mobilisation Campaign in Bulgaria


Date: Wednesday, 10 September 2008


Venue: N. Poushkarov Institute of Soil Science – 7 Shosse Bankya Str.; 1080 Sofia, Bulgaria


The next BiG>East Stakeholder Mobilisation Campaign will be organised by N. Poushkarov Institute of Soil Science and Energoproekt jsc on 10 September 2008 in Sofia, Bulgaria.

The objective of this event is to inform interested stakeholders from Bulgaria about opportunities to produce and to use biogas in Bulgaria.

Biogas plant manufacturers, planners and consultants will give technical presentations about biogas installations and BiG>East activities, and they will answer your questions.


Contact and Registration: Denitsa Dimitrova (


New: Please find here the Agenda of the Mobilisation Campaign



BiG>East - първа мобилизационна кампания в България

Дата: 10 септември 2008 (сряда)
Час на провеждане: 10:00-13:00 ч
Сборен пункт: Институт по почвознание “Н. Пушкаров”– ул. “Шосе Банкя” №7.; 1080 София, България

Поредната мобилизационна кампания по проекта “BiG>East” ще бъде организирана от Институт по почвознание “Н. Пушкаров” и “Енергопроект” АД на 10 септември 2008 г. в гр. София, България.
Кампанията има за цел да осведоми заинтересовани страни, относно възможностите за производство и оползотворяване на биогаз в България.
Експерти в областта на биогаза от Западна Европа, разполагащи със значителен брой действащи централи за биогаз и с голям опит в планирането, конструирането и поддръжката на такива централи ще изнесат презентации с техническа насоченост и ще отговарят на вашите въпроси.

Лице за контакт: Деница Димитрова (


18 July 2008

BiG>East 2nd Progress Meeting


The 2nd BiG>East Progress Meeting (internal) will be in Sofia, Bulgaria and jointly organised by WIP Renewable Energies and Energoproekt jsc.

Date: Monday / Tuesday 8-9 September 2008


03 March 2008

Great Success of the first BiG>East Mobilisation Campaign in Croatia


The first Mobilisation Campaign in the framework of BiG>East was implemented on 26 February 2008 by EIHP and WIP in connection to the 1 st Progress Meeting in Zagreb, Croatia. Approximately 50 stakeholders (food industry, farmers, waste management, project partners) participated and discussed with speakers from EIHP, Gerhard Agrinz GmbH, Finsterwalder Umwelttechnik, German Biogas and Bioenergy Society, MT Energie, and NAWARO AG. The event was simultaneously translated into English and Croatian. Journalists were invited and a special issue on biogas was prepared for the economy magazine “Lider”. Details on the campaign are provided here.


29 January 2008

BiG>East Stakeholder Breakfast


Date: Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Time: 8:45-11:30

Venue: EIHP – Energy Institute Hrvoje Pozar, Savska 163, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia


The first activity of the Stakeholder Mobilisation Campaign will be implemented in the framework of the BiG>East project on 26 February 2008 in Zagreb, Croatia.

The objective of this Stakeholder Breakfast is to inform interested stakeholders from Croatia about opportunities to produce and to use biogas in Croatia.

Biogas plant manufacturers, planners and consultants will give technical presentations about biogas installations and BiG>East activities, and they will answer your questions.


Contact and Registration: Biljana Kulišic (

Please download here the announcement and registration form.



BiG>East doručak


Datum: Utorak, 26. veljače 2008.

Vrijeme: 8.45 -11.30

Mjesto: EIHP – Energetski institut Hrvoje Požar, Savska 163, Zagreb


Prva aktivnost unutar Animacijske kampanje će se održati u sklopu BiG>East projekta 26. veljače 2008. u Zagrebu, u prostorijama Energetskog instituta Hrvoje Požar, Savska 163.

Cilj ovog doručka je informirati interesne skupine iz Hrvatske s mogućnostima proizvodnje i korištenja bioplina u Hrvatskoj.

Proizvođači postrojenja za bioplin, planeri i konzultanti će održati tehničke prezentacije o instalacijama bioplina i BiG>East aktivnostima te će biti na raspolaganju za Vaša pitanja.


Kontakt i registracija: Biljana Kulišić (

Poziv i obavijest


27 December 2007

BiG>East 1st Progress Meeting


The 1st BiG>East Progress Meeting (internal) will be in Zagreb, Croatia and jointly organised by EIHP and WIP.

Date: Monday / Tuesday 25 - 26 February 2008


15 October 2007

BiG>East Kick-off-Meeting


The BiG>East Kick-off-Meeting (internal) was organised from 8 to 10 November 2007 in Munich at the premises of WIP Renewable Energies.


Presentations on the biogas market in the target countries are available here:


- Latvia


- Romania